MSN: Adult Gerontology Acute Care Family Nurse Practitioner

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Enhance Your Practice to Make an Impact in Acute Care Settings

Gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to excel in complex inpatient environments, including emergency, trauma, and critical care. King University’s online MSN Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program is focused on the advanced skill set needed to treat adults and geriatric patients. Certification exam preparation is built into the program plan to ensure your success, and graduates are qualified to sit for the national AGACNP certification exam. Upon passing the exam, they may apply for advanced practice nurse licensure in their legal state of practice.

Program Benefits

  • Graduate ready for AGACNP certification
  • Accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
  • Up to 6 transfer credits accepted
  • Dedicated clinical placement coordinator
  • Learn from a faculty of nursing experts

Online MSN AGACNP Curriculum

The online MSN AGACNP emphasizes outcomes management, clinical research, and advanced clinical decision-making skills that are essential for acute care nurse practitioners.

Every student completes 600 practicum hours working with adult and geriatric patients in an acute care setting. These clinical experiences are delivered under the guidance of a faculty member and a practice-based preceptor.

You will study a curriculum aligned with both national and state standards to prepare you for advanced practice while learning in a collaborative cohort led by our dedicated nursing faculty. To enhance the online learning experience students are required to attend one to two day on-campus intensive sessions at the beginning of each semester.

Required Concentration Courses

This course prepares nurses with advanced knowledge and understanding of the pathologic mechanisms of disease to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, clinical decision-making, pharmaco-therapeutics, and nursing interventions. Course content examines deviations from homeostasis, genetic and epigenetic influences of disease in body systems across the lifespan. A systematic survey of diseases within body systems including etiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations is explored. Current research findings are explored and utilized in this class.

This course focuses on the development and practice of advanced health assessment skills needed for delivery of culturally competent care across the lifespan. Diagnostic reasoning is used to interpret data obtained from the history, physical examination, and diagnostic procedures to generate a comprehensive health assessment and problem list. Domains of interest include family processes, transcultural issues, nutrition, genetic variations, growth and development, spirituality, and health promotion. Students refine the health assessment and clinical judgment skills needed to relate findings to underlying pathophysiologic changes in the client’s health status to plan therapeutic and healing interventions.

This course provides the advanced knowledge of pharmaco- kinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmaco- therapeutics needed to initiate safe and appropriate pharmacological treatment in the management of disease processes across the life span. Special concerns regarding developmental status, nutritional status, health status, cultural influences or membership in a high-risk group are identified. Strategies for counseling and education to promote adherence are explored. Ethics, cost effectiveness, legalities and regulations related to prescription writing are addressed. Students are introduced to the use of electronic drug databases for point-of-care decision-making based on up-to-date drug information.

This course examines issues related to assuming the advanced practice role including the legal and ethical aspects of practice, quality assurance issues, patient advocacy, leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the stewardship of resources. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating a clear understanding of the professional nurse practitioner role and the transition to the professional clinicians’ role, including certification and licensure requirements. Current practice issues affecting nurse practitioners are examined.

This course introduces clinical knowledge and decision-making skills related to the use of an evidence-based approach in the clinical management of the adult-gerontology population. In addition, the course includes study and clinical application of major theories of health promotion, risk assessment, differential diagnosis, health behavior change, disease prevention, preventing complications, and restoring maximum health in the adult population. Cultural, socioeconomic, and ethical factors are explored. Through collaboration with a preceptor, the clinical component of this course provides the opportunity for the AGACNP student to implement evidence-based practice interventions that promote safety, risk reduction, and prevention of complications for those adult patients with complex and/or chronic illness needs.

This course is a survey of the knowledge and skills necessary to provide and coordinate evidence-based care for those individuals with acute, critical, and complex physical/mental illnesses who are physiologically unstable, technology dependent, and/or highly vulnerable to complications. Content will be centered on assessing, diagnosing, designing, and implementing evidence-based treatment in the critical care setting. There will be a focus on those skills. required to utilize technology/devices and clinical decision support technology to assist the rapidly deteriorating patient. The student will develop advanced knowledge related to the management and coordination of adult and older adult patients at risk for urgent/emergent conditions and be able to prioritize those patients demonstrating rapid physiologic or mental health deterioration and/or life- threatening instability. Additionally, the student will explore concepts and skills related to the management of stress for the patient/family surrounding transition to a higher level of care and be able to discuss sensitive issues such as end-of-life decisions with the patient, family, and caregivers. The clinical component of this course provides an opportunity for the student to implement and practice skills and expertise introduced in the didactic content under the guidance of a qualified preceptor.

This is the final course in acute care of adults and older adults. Students will continue to expand upon the knowledge and skills needed to care for adults and older adults in the acute care setting. Content will focus on interprofessional communication and collaboration for optimal patient outcomes, facilitation of transition of patients to a higher level of acute care, exploration of types and levels of services provided in complex health care settings, and challenges to care in the acute care setting. This course will continue to emphasis the use of evidence-based practice in clinical decision making. Students will work with a preceptor to continue to enhance the clinical skills needed to care for adults and older adults in the acute setting. Additionally, students will focus on interprofessional communication and collaboration as part of the health care team caring for patients with acute and complex needs.

AGACNP Career Outlook

Factors like an aging population and a growing number of patients with chronic and acute conditions have created high demand for skilled AGACNPs across the country. The online MSN AGACNP program qualifies you to pursue these adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner jobs and practice in emergency, intensive care, and trauma.

  • Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, $96,063 per year1
  • Employment Growth, 46% 2023-20332


Alex Moore

Assistant Professor



C C N E Accredited

The School of Nursing programs are fully approved by the TENNESSEE BOARD OF NURSING, and are a member of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES OF NURSING.

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice program at King University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Customize Your Area of Study

King’s online MSN program offers a range of concentrations to align your studies with your professional goals. Explore your options below.


  1. Payscale. “Average Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Salary.” Retrieved Feb. 2025, from
  2. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners.” Retrieved Feb. 2025, from