Social Media vs. Reality

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Our social media persona is often very different from who we are in real life, and the boundary between the two is getting blurrier. That unclear difference has an impact on our psychology – sometimes positively and often times negatively.

Personal appearance

  • #style has well over 400 million heavily edited outfit, travel, and beauty posts on Instagram. [1]

Body image

  • 73% of women compare their bodies to images they see in the media.
  • 50% of those women make unfavorable comparisons when they look at the images. [2]

Social setting with friends

  • 45% of U.S. teens say they are “almost constantly” online. [3]

At a concert

  • 85% of all millennials use social media. [3]

Being a parent

  • More than 90% of babies have a presence on social media before their second birthday. [4]

Marriage / relationships

  • 42% of people aged 18-29 reported their partner was distracted by cell phone use when together. [3]

Sometimes, what we post on social media doesn’t reflect what’s really going on in our lives. Consider a B.S. in Psychology from King University to explore how social media affects our perception of reality.

Interested in learning more about social media psychology? Check out King University’s online B.S. in Psychology to start understanding the effects, benefits, and drawbacks of social media. Our flexible program is designed to work around your schedule, and you can earn your degree in as few as 16 months.

