Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

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MSN Overview

Become a leader in healthcare and take the next step in your nursing career with the M.S. in Nursing online program from King University.

Designed for working nurses, the accredited online msn programs provide the training you need to find advancement opportunities and grow your professional profiles. Take a direct track toward professional advancement through the accelerated msn program’s four in-demand concentrations:

  • Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: Gain the expertise you need for advanced practice roles specializing in acute care for adult and geriatric populations.
  • Family Nurse Practitioner: Prepare for advanced practice nursing roles specializing in primary care.
  • Nurse Leadership and Administration: Grow your leadership by studying leadership, administration, and business specific to the healthcare sector.
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Develop expertise in psychiatric mental health with a focus on diagnosing and managing mental health and psychiatric disorders.

Your course of study covers a range of topics including research design, health informatics, global health awareness, theory, and social perspective on health. Program outcomes seek to help you:

  • Synthesize theory, research, and values to effectively practice nursing
  • Expand your critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills
  • Practice reflective nursing in a way guided by expanded knowledge
  • Demonstrate professional accountability
  • Understand the role of nursing in local, state, national, and global healthcare policy
  • Improve the quality of your specialty practice
  • Take part in professional and personal growth

Offered fully online, the master’s degree in nursing is taught in a cohort model and utilizes team-based learning. This allows you to retain the flexibility you need to attend school on your schedule, while simultaneously moving through your degree with a community of your peers.

Candidates can enter the accredited Master of Science in Nursing online program externally or directly from King University’s RN to BSN program. Upon graduation, you will have the knowledge and skills to take on higher positions of management, as well as pursue doctoral education.

The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) is Designed for…

  • Working RNs who have already earned their BSN degree who are seeking to advance their careers
  • Graduates of King University’s RN to BSN program
  • Nontraditional learners who want an accessible educational format

Courses and Requirements

Our accredited Master of Science in Nursing online requires 35-48 semester hours for completion, depending on the concentration selected. Concentration requirements can be found in the table below.

ConcentrationSpecialized CreditsTotal Program CreditsClinical Practicum Hours
Nurse Leadership and Administration20 semester hours35 semester hours395
Adult Gerontology Acute Care30 semester hours45 semester hours600
Family Nurse Practitioner30 semester hours45 semester hours600
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner33 semester hours48 semester hours600
Course of Study
Course #TitleDescriptionCredits
NURS 5000Theoretical Basis of Nursing PracticeThis is a core course that prepares students to critique, evaluate, and utilize theory within their practice. In addition to nursing theories, relevant theories from related disciplines are addressed. The goal is to help students conceptualize a theoretical basis for advanced nursing practice that is comprehensive and holistic, and has the potential to impact patient care delivery models and improve patient outcomes.3
NURS 5001Research Design in NursingThis is a core course which focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to critically analyze and evaluate research literature in order to answer clinical questions. The student will learn how to initiate a line of inquiry using comprehensive databases. Statistics and research methods will help the student to effectively critique the status of the existing evidence to determine if a change is indicated to improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Students gain knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice by the collection, interpretation, and integration of the best available evidence.3
NURS 5010Social, Cultural, and Political Perspectives on Healthcare and Delivery SystemsThis core course provides an overview of social, political, and cultural issues impacting today’s global healthcare system, enabling students to explore and develop strategies to be influential in social and health policy formation and consumer health advocacy. Global awareness including an understanding of ethical and legal accountability, patient vulnerability, and culturally-sensitive care are emphasized. In-depth exploration of strategies for health promotion and disease prevention for communities are highlighted in this course.3
NURS 5012Global Health AwarenessThis course offers an introduction to the practice of global health nursing, the political, economic, and cultural processes of globalization, and their impact on population health and healthcare systems. Students will examine varying meanings of health as well as the range of factors that encourage the health of some and exclude it from others. The course includes the study of a global health ethical framework based on human rights, cultural diversity, and social justice. Students will have an enhanced understanding of the global dimensions of health and disease, various strategic health initiatives, and correlating healthcare interventions. Attention will be paid to a variety of topics including HIV/AIDS, human trafficking, infectious diseases, health in reproduction, social determinants of health, and more.3
NURS 5014Healthcare InformaticsThe focus of this core course is exploring and understanding the concepts relevant to healthcare informatics and the use of computerized information systems in healthcare organizations. A main focus is the use of computerized applications by nurses to support decision-making in clinical, administrative, and educational settings. The development of information management skills and the use of the internet are emphasized as a means to evaluate health, wellness, and illness, thereby, positively influencing patient outcomes.3
Course #TitleDescriptionCredits
NURS 5002Advanced PathophysiologyThis course prepares nurses with advanced knowledge and understanding of the pathologic mechanisms of disease to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, clinical decision-making, pharmacotherapeutics, and nursing interventions. Course content examines deviations from homeostasis, genetic and epigenetic influences of disease in body systems across the lifespan. A systematic survey of diseases within body systems including etiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations is explored. Current research findings are explored and utilized in this class.3
NURS 5004Advanced Physical Assessment & Health PromotionThis course focuses on the development and practice of advanced health assessment skills needed for delivery of culturally competent care across the lifespan. Diagnostic reasoning is used to interpret data obtained from the history, physical examination, and diagnostic procedures to generate a comprehensive health assessment and problem list. Domains of interest include: family processes, transcultural issues, nutrition, genetic variations, growth and development, spirituality, and health promotion. Students refine the health assessment and clinical judgment skills needed to relate findings to underlying pathophysiologic changes in the client’s health status in order to plan therapeutic and healing interventions.3
NURS 5006Advanced PharmacologyThis course provides the advanced knowledge of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutics needed to initiate safe and appropriate pharmacological treatment in the management of disease processes across the life span. Special concerns regarding developmental status, nutritional status, health status, cultural influences or membership in a high-risk group are identified. Strategies for counseling and education to promote adherence are explored. Ethics, cost effectiveness, legalities and regulations related to prescription writing are addressed. Students are introduced to the use of electronic drug databases for point-of-care decision-making based on up-to-date drug information. Prerequisite: NURS 5002, 50043
NURS 5026Practice Management and Advanced Role DevelopmentThis course examines issues related to assuming the advanced practice role including the legal and ethical aspects of practice, quality assurance issues, patient advocacy, leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the stewardship of resources. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating a clear understanding of the professional nurse practitioner role and the transition to the professional clinicians’ role, including certification and licensure requirements. Current practice issues affecting nurse practitioners are examined. Co-requisite: NURS 50243
NURS 5080Care of Adults and Geriatric PopulationsThis course introduces clinical knowledge and decision-making skills related to the use of an evidence-based approach in the clinical management of the adult-gerontology population. In addition, the course includes study and clinical application of major theories of health promotion, risk assessment, differential diagnosis, health behavior change, disease prevention, preventing complications, and restoring maximum health in the adult population. Cultural, socioeconomic, and ethical factors are explored. Through collaboration with a preceptor, the clinical component of this course provides the opportunity for the AGACNP student to implement evidence-based practice interventions that promote safety, risk reduction, and prevention of complications for those adult patients with complex and/or chronic illness needs.6
NURS 5081Acute Care Diagnosis and SkillsThis course is a survey of the knowledge and skills necessary to provide and coordinate evidence-based care for those individuals with acute, critical, and complex physical/mental illnesses who are physiologically unstable, technology dependent, and/or highly vulnerable to complications. Content will be centered on assessing, diagnosing, designing, and implementing evidence-based treatment in the critical care setting. There will be a focus on those skills. required to utilize technology/devices and clinical decision support technology to assist the rapidly deteriorating patient. The student will develop advanced knowledge related to the management and coordination of adult and older adult patients at risk for urgent/emergent conditions and be able to prioritize those patients demonstrating rapid physiologic or mental health deterioration and/or life- threatening instability. Additionally, the student will explore concepts and skills related to the management of stress for the patient/family surrounding transition to a higher level of care and be able to discuss sensitive issues such as end-of-life decisions with the patient, family, and caregivers. The clinical component of this course provides an opportunity for the student to implement and practice skills and expertise introduced in the didactic content under the guidance of a qualified preceptor.6
NURS 5082Adult Acute CareThis is the final course in acute care of adults and older adults. Students will continue to expand upon the knowledge and skills needed to care for adults and older adults in the acute care setting. Content will focus on interprofessional communication and collaboration for optimal patient outcomes, facilitation of transition of patients to a higher level of acute care, exploration of types and levels of services provided in complex health care settings, and challenges to care in the acute care setting. This course will continue to emphasis the use of evidence-based practice in clinical decision making. Students will work with a preceptor to continue to enhance the clinical skills needed to care for adults and older adults in the acute setting. Additionally, students will focus on interprofessional communication and collaboration as part of the health care team caring for patients with acute and complex needs.6
Course #TitleDescriptionCredits
NURS 5002Advanced PathophysiologyThis course prepares nurses with advanced knowledge and understanding of the pathologic mechanisms of disease to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, clinical decision-making, pharmacotherapeutics, and nursing interventions. Course content examines deviations from homeostasis, genetic and epigenetic influences of disease in body systems across the lifespan. A systematic survey of diseases within body systems including etiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations is explored. Current research findings are explored and utilized in this class.3
NURS 5004Advanced Physical Assessment & Health PromotionThis course focuses on the development and practice of advanced health assessment skills needed for delivery of culturally competent care across the lifespan. Diagnostic reasoning is used to interpret data obtained from the history, physical examination, and diagnostic procedures to generate a comprehensive health assessment and problem list. Domains of interest include: family processes, transcultural issues, nutrition, genetic variations, growth and development, spirituality, and health promotion. Students refine the health assessment and clinical judgment skills needed to relate findings to underlying pathophysiologic changes in the client’s health status in order to plan therapeutic and healing interventions.3
NURS 5006Advanced PharmacologyThis course provides the advanced knowledge of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutics needed to initiate safe and appropriate pharmacological treatment in the management of disease processes across the life span. Special concerns regarding developmental status, nutritional status, health status, cultural influences or membership in a high-risk group are identified. Strategies for counseling and education to promote adherence are explored. Ethics, cost effectiveness, legalities and regulations related to prescription writing are addressed. Students are introduced to the use of electronic drug databases for point-of-care decision-making based on up-to-date drug information. Prerequisite: NURS 5002, 50043
NURS 5018FNP I Care of Women and FamiliesThis course is designed to prepare the student for the delivery of culturally competent care in diverse settings to women and families across the lifespan. With an emphasis on reproductive, gynecological, and family health issues, the student will acquire the knowledge and develop critical thinking skills that allow for the application of evidence in the promotion, prevention, renewal, and maintenance of health among women and families from various social and economic backgrounds.3
NURS 5019FNP II Care of Adults and Geriatric PopulationsThis is the second course in primary care of the family. This course continues the development of skills in decision-making and the use of an evidence-based approach in the clinical management of families. In addition, the course includes study and clinical application of major theories of health promotion, risk assessment, differential diagnosis, health behavior change, and disease prevention across the lifespan. Cultural and socioeconomic factors are explored. Scope of practice issues continue to be addressed.6
NURS 5023FNP III Care of Pediatric PopulationsThis course focuses on the management of common pediatric health and illness concerns using an evidence-based approach to assessment, differential diagnosis, and management. Includes the study of clinical application of major theories of health promotion and assessment, family dynamics, health behavior change, and disease prevention for the well child and adolescent. Students will develop skills in the collaborative management of ill pediatric and adolescent patients. Scope of practice issues are addressed.3
NURS 5024FNP IV Seminar and Intensive PracticumThis course builds on the previous FNP course sequence and requires synthesis of advanced practice knowledge base and family nurse practitioner clinical skills for effective management of complex clinical problems across the lifespan. The emphasis is on acute and chronic illness as it affects all age groups. This course requires increasingly independent clinical application of evidence-based approaches to the assessment, health promotion, differential diagnosis, and management of families in their cultural and socioeconomic context. Scope of practice issues continue to be addressed.6
NURS 5026Practice Management and Advanced Role DevelopmentThis course examines issues related to assuming the advanced practice role including the legal and ethical aspects of practice, quality assurance issues, patient advocacy, leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the stewardship of resources. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating a clear understanding of the professional nurse practitioner role and the transition to the professional clinicians’ role, including certification and licensure requirements. Current practice issues affecting nurse practitioners are examined. Co-requisite: NURS 50243
Course #TitleDescriptionCredits
HCAD 5420Legal and Ethical IssuesExposes the students to the legal system as it affects the healthcare industry. The course addresses the numerous legal and ethical issues raised by advances in technology, changing societal values, decreasing resources, and increasing professional liability.3
BUSA 5410Healthcare SystemsAn introduction to the structure and function of the medical care delivery system. Includes basic concepts and measures of health, disease, quality, values, needs and utilization; issues in healthcare manpower, institutions and system organization; general issues in policy, reimbursement and regulation; broad community, and organizational considerations in medical care organizations.3
NURS 5058Transformational Strategies: Practicum IThis first practicum experience in a series of three practicums involves the analysis and integration of theory as it relates to the nurse executive’s role. Organizational assessment designs will be explored. Students will be provided with opportunities to participate in all phases of the executive role in an acute care delivery system and community-based systems settings under the guidance of a preceptor. This course includes 60 hours of clinical practice.3
HCAD 5600Accounting and Financial Performance in HealthcareOptimal patient care starts with financially secure healthcare organizations. In this course, students will explore topics such as insurance and reimbursement, financial accounting, case flows, profit analysis, cost allocation, service line costing, budgeting, debt, risk analysis, capital structure, and revenue cycles. Financial theories and practical tools needed to make crucial financial decisions are included.3
NURS 5059Transformational Strategies: Practicum IIThis second practicum is a continuation of integration of theory as it relates to the nurse executive’s role. Emphasis is placed on the strategic planning process. Students will continue the practicum in the same setting under the guidance of a preceptor. This clinical practicum consists of 120 hours. Prerequisite: NURS 50585
HCAD 5700Applying Continuous Quality Improvement in HealthcareThis course covers the concepts and techniques necessary for improving the systems vital to the daily work of clinicians and the outcomes of patient care. Topics emphasized include: the role of policy, measuring process and system performance, a supportive environment, outside forces that affect quality, teamwork, collaboration, continuous improvement, high reliability accountability, and patient safety.3
NURS 5060Transformational Strategies: Practicum IIIThis third and last practicum continues to expand on the first two practicums. Students will build on the information gained from the organizational assessment and strategic planning process in order to direct nursing practice as a nurse executive. Activities for this practicum are interdependently planned with the guidance of a preceptor. This practicum includes 60 hours of clinical practice. Prerequisite: NURS 5058, 50593
NURS 5990Comprehensive AssessmentFinal comprehensive competency demonstration in the MSN program consists of the graduating student’s ability to meet the expected outcomes as set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master's Education in Nursing. These essentials are core for all master’s programs in nursing, and delineate the outcomes expected of all graduates of master’s nursing programs. Completion of a final competency portfolio, which encompasses the core knowledge and skills outlined in the AACN essentials document, serves as demonstration of the MSN student’s mastery of the required competencies. The final competency portfolio is evaluated by a rubric and is pass/fail.0

Admission Requirements

Students applying for the online MSN program must meet the following requirements:

  1. A bachelor’s degree in nursing from a regionally accredited program.
  2. A minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale on all prior academic work.
    1. Students with a lower GPA may be considered and accepted on a conditional basis.
  3. Undergraduate coursework completed with a C grade or better in the following disciplines:
    1. Statistics
    2. Nursing research/evidence-based practice
    3. Health assessment
    4. Pathophysiology (highly recommended for Nurse Education students, but not required)
  4. Current unrestricted licensure to practice as a registered nurse in Tennessee (compact/multi-state accepted). The applicant may not be on probation and must report any past or current disciplinary action taken by a State Board directly to the Dean of the School of Nursing.
  5. Laptop computer with Microsoft Office 365, wireless and webcam capability is required. Microsoft Office 365 is available to all King students to load on the PC or Mac and is accessible at using their King University credentials. Chromebooks and many tablets will NOT meet the minimum requirements for the SON Programs.

Students applying for an online MSN program must submit the following materials:

  1. A completed online application.
  2. Official transcripts from all institutions attended
  3. Three letters of recommendation, preferably one from an employer and one from a previous college professor. When applying online, students may submit the names and email addresses of individuals offering a recommendation to automate the process.
  4. A personal essay. Details will be provided by your enrollment counselor.
  5. Verification of current unencumbered registered nurse license from the Tennessee Board of Nursing or compact multi-state licensure with privileges to practice in Tennessee.
  6. Copies of all certificates in an area of clinical concentration, if applicable.
  7. A current curriculum vitae including professional organization memberships and activities and community service.

**Courses are applicable for transfer if they are applicable to the requirements of the program, and are approved by the specialty area faculty and the Dean of the School of Nursing. Courses being transferred must have been assigned a grade of B or higher and must have covered content which is required for a particular core course or specialty program.

Students completing the BSN degree from King University may apply for guaranteed admission to an MSN program during the final semester of the BSN program. Students applying for guaranteed admission must meet the following admission criteria in addition to those listed above:

  • Have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Submit three letters of recommendation (two academic and one professional)
  • Have received no academic sanctions during BSN program

Guaranteed admission is contingent on the time of application and seats available per semester.

Career Outcomes

Professional nurses who graduate from King University’s online MSN program can increase their earnings and build a career in various areas of nursing and other related fields.

Outcomes include:

  • Adult Gerontology Acute Care Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Director of Nursing
  • Director of Staff Development
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Nurse Manager
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Flexible Outcomes-Based Funding

King University is committed to ensuring that every student who seeks to further his or her career has that opportunity. To support this mission, King works with a host of mission-aligned partners that provide funding to support our high-outcome degree programs, such as the MSN program. After students have exhausted scholarships and grants, and as an alternative to PLUS loans and private loans, King’s MSN students have access to Income Share Agreements (ISAs) as another affordable funding option that never requires a cosigner, and where students only pay based on future earnings, while also gaining access to additional career support & resources! Learn more HERE.

C C N E Accredited

The School of Nursing programs are fully approved by the TENNESSEE BOARD OF NURSING, and are a member of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES OF NURSING.

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice program at King University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Donna Fraysier
Donna Fraysier

Dean of the School of Nursing

“Nursing is more than a career it is a calling. I am blessed to have been called to serve in this honorable profession. A career in nursing provides many options, and opportunities. It is never boring, and there is always a challenge. Nursing is more than a career or a job, it is an opportunity to change lives and make a difference in the world.”

Online Learning

Studying online prepares you for a successful future. Discover a learning format that offers:

  • Flexibility and Convenience
  • Personalized Academics
  • Equal Excellence
  • Opportunity for Self Insight